We'd want to know us too...

Picture it: Chattanooga, 2016
It was a dark and stormy night... Lol no it wasn't! It was a phone call between two good friends to catch up. Kim Randall (the brains of the outfit) and Nic Powell (photographer and self-proclaimed unicorn), both hailing from the hospitality industry, had worked together many times through their careers and had remained good friends outside of work for over a decade. Kim made a platter of her award winning biscuits when Nic's father passed away and Nic photographed Kim's son when he was born. Yeah, those kind of friends - the kind you know will ALWAYS be there. Over a late afternoon phone call, Kim pitched an idea to Nic about his photography and together formed an idea to revolutionize real-estate photography! One trip to the courthouse, and an impressive mimosa bill at the Chattanoogan later, a partnership was formed and here we are today... Still partners in commerce, now with a few more talented friends to help.
We believe in partnership. Together we will illuminate your properties in a sea of listings.